Tuesday, August 28, 2007

senatorial lust in the airport

first off, i’ll just get the ha ha at yet another ridiculous news story out. senator larry craig
was caught in an airport bathroom for lewd behaviour. this is a republican senator that goes around screaming family values and abolish gays. but he just can’t help himself. and that my friends is what is wrong with the whole conservative we got your morals agenda. because they don’t they are playing conservative america like a deck of cards. this seems to happen more than it should.
and come on you high ups, really, if you want to touch another man, can’t you at least have the discretion to do it somewhere private and not condemn others for doing the same? this guy tried to solicit a police officer in the bathroom by doing the foot tap signal. then put his hand under the stall, etc etc. apparently a series of known secrect code these people use.
then, he plead guilty, but is now saying he didn’t understand what he was pleading guilty for. come on. you are a senator, a law maker, but you didn’t understand what your arrest was, and plead guilty anyway.
that’s just funny. i don’t care who has sex with whom, because a person’s personal life has nothing to do with me. but i hate hypocrisy. i really do.


Jorgon Gorgon said...

Hey! I just subscribed to yr feed: you better start posting frequently!

cyndromeda said...

i know, i've been lax. i had to step back from the news for a bit, but now i'm paying more attention again.