Sunday, August 12, 2007

evangelicals in the military, or rather, be afraid, be very afraid

you know, call me ignorant, but i did not know that this had become a problem until i read this article in the independent interviewing michael weinstein, author of With God on Our Side: One Man’s War Against an Evangelical Coup in America’s Military
seems there are there is and increasing number of military personnel, officers included, who’s goals are "a spiritually transformed military" and "to be ambassadors for christ in uniform." they gently, then forcefully, try to force their version of religion on miltary personnel. for example, one guy said he was a christian, but they said he wasn’t christian enough and put none as his religion on his dog tags as punishment. sometimes, it’s more threatening than that.
the subset of evangelicals is called pre-millennial dispensational reconstructionist dominionist fundamentalist evangelical Christianity. the group makes up 12.6 of our population, which is still a frightening number, especially since they think they are fighting "god’s" war.
that holy war that extremist muslims are fighting? this is their counterparts.
these people are determined to be self fufilling prophesies of armageddon.
this has been a concern of mine for a while, as we seem to be getting more and more people in congress, and private sectors for that matter, that seem to hold this view.
i don’t do religion. i am proud to be an atheist. but, i also defend people’s rights to their beliefs, something this group does not seem to think is an option. for them, it’s all or nothing. either you are with us, or our enemy. they quote luke 19:27 when spoken to about the mater. that’s the parable of the pounds in which jesus says: “go out among the people, and bring back to me those who refuse to accept me as king over them, and slaughter them.”
oh my. we as a civilation have done nothing but tread water and change clothes over the past 2000 years.

damn, sometimes i loathe the day i started paying so much attention to the news and politics. but i’m no ostrich and i want to be aware of who i’m up against. or what.

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