Tuesday, August 14, 2007

karl rove and the straw poll - 2 POS in recent headlines

karl rove leaving the white house. oh what a crying shame for bush boy. in the words of brak, "dont' let the front door hit you in the backside when you leave." well actually, i hope it does. and karl, could you take your little buddy back out on the playground with you? he's been disrupting class under your guidance for more than 6 years.

straw poll? what a load of absolute shit. so to get in, the you have have 35 dollar ticket, which is paid for by the candidates. so how in the heck does that kick off or predict anything? i really think this practice should stop for both parties. get some real choices and voting here. but anyway...
and mitt romney paid for the voting machines and won there, so now some say he is potentially the new candidate, but how about the fact that rudy (mega-gag) and john mc cain (gag more) weren't even there. they did not pay to play, so to speak, but that doesn't reduce the number of people backing them in the real world. except for maybe the sheep. maybe that's what straw polls are for, to get the sheep of the masses to get behind one person so they can be more easily manipulated.
i also think it funny/odd how only 2 out of the numerous reports i read even mentioned ron paul. ron paul was number 5 out of the 10 in the straw poll, yet the media repeatedly just pretend he doesn't exist at all. what a threat to the republican party, a guy with a small but fierce backing that is a constitutionalist, something a lot of them apparently want eradicated. damned constitution.

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