Wednesday, January 23, 2008

what child left behind mr bush?

you know, i don't buy it. homework does not benefit a kindergartener. i don't even think busy work should be given to older kids. most people do not take their work home, why the hell do they think it is good for the kids.
i personally don't appreciate the stress. i don't appreciate my tax dollars paying for a school to only give my child data but not make sure things are fully understood.
for instance, asia's homework has recently been consisting of write a sentence type questions. write two sentences about what you would do in winter if you were a bear. my issues, aside from this is kindertgarten is the fact that they haven't even really taught the kids to spell. i think to fully learn, that one must fully understand each step before proceding to the next. it's more than knowing data. if one doesn't understand, they have not learned.
i think that it is the schools' responsibility to teach, just as they did when i was a kid. i know this has a lot to do with that asshole gw's "no child (but yours) left behind act", but i cannot buy it.
they are trying to steal childhood from children, occupying them sun up to sun down with busy work. and if that isn't a way to burn a kid out on school and make them hate it, i'll kiss your butt.
if i am having to acutally be the one to teach my child, then what good is school? please somebody explain this to me. why am i not homeschooling. she'd get more, and ultimately understand more.
and with all this focus on kids writing in kindergarten, (despite the fact that studies show that most kids aren't redy for that until they are 7 or so and the same studies also show that despite when a kid learns to write, theys still are all at pretty much the same level by the time they are 10) when are they learning the real foundations of education.
maybe i'm crazy, but i just really don' think school should be so stressfull right off the bat. the way to educate is to get the person being educated to want to be educated. and that cannot be done with constant pressure. have i ever mentioned that now, asia wakes up at night puking at least once every week or so. when i took her to the pediatrician, they said it was acid reflux. very likely due to school, since she never had this problem before. she is 6. this kind of stress should be at least saved for much later years, if not at all.
god damn it. just wanted to share my frustration.

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