Sunday, May 25, 2008

as the world sucks

as fucked up and close to my heart as my last post was, i believe this one is even worse.

Mom says teacher let classmates vote autistic son out of class

yes that's right. to punish him, a child in kindergarten who has asperger's syndrome was voted out of class, weakest link style. then the teacher had each student say what they did not like about the kid. the kid has not been back to school since. every time his mother takes his sibling to school, he screams when she pulls up to the school.
this is not a suitable form of punishment. children, even moreso than adults are so vulnerable. i understand that a kid with discipline problems is frustrating, but to publicly ridicule him is not only unprofessional, it is downright cruel.
what i want to know is why this teacher has not been fired, or even suspended.
so, i'm taking opinions on this one too.

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