Friday, July 20, 2007


what would it be like to live in "1984". do you think it could never happen here
Former Regan official warns "something's in the works" to trigger a police state
Take care to to read the link in the article to the executive order from gw and crew.
not to be alarmist, but oto, peopel really do need to wake up. it may not be one more year at the rate they are going. and don't think that another "attack" or just talk of attacks, such as they are doing now, won't give gw and dickboy the opportunity to sieze the moment. and by moment, i mean country.
then there is this may 9 directive another "executive" item that did not go through congress. here is a "layman's" description of what that all means.
not to be alarmist, but you might need to be at least a little alarmed. our future is at stake. and then we have our lame assed congress, who appear to be trying to play a political game of letting the whole war and bush's behaviour slide, thinking it would guarantee them a landslide victory in all elections in 2008. what a backfire it would be to them if gw declared and "emergency" and suspended all elections and finally became the dictator he has always wanted to be. geez. don't think it can't happen here.

now, i would like to quote a verse from a robyn hitchcock song, "filthy bird"

Look at the massacre on cable
But you know it won't happen here
We're all too busy watching massacres on cable
Oh yeah

from 9/11 to gw and company, this applies to our society

for dog's sake america, WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!

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