Friday, July 20, 2007


what would it be like to live in "1984". do you think it could never happen here
Former Regan official warns "something's in the works" to trigger a police state
Take care to to read the link in the article to the executive order from gw and crew.
not to be alarmist, but oto, peopel really do need to wake up. it may not be one more year at the rate they are going. and don't think that another "attack" or just talk of attacks, such as they are doing now, won't give gw and dickboy the opportunity to sieze the moment. and by moment, i mean country.
then there is this may 9 directive another "executive" item that did not go through congress. here is a "layman's" description of what that all means.
not to be alarmist, but you might need to be at least a little alarmed. our future is at stake. and then we have our lame assed congress, who appear to be trying to play a political game of letting the whole war and bush's behaviour slide, thinking it would guarantee them a landslide victory in all elections in 2008. what a backfire it would be to them if gw declared and "emergency" and suspended all elections and finally became the dictator he has always wanted to be. geez. don't think it can't happen here.

now, i would like to quote a verse from a robyn hitchcock song, "filthy bird"

Look at the massacre on cable
But you know it won't happen here
We're all too busy watching massacres on cable
Oh yeah

from 9/11 to gw and company, this applies to our society

for dog's sake america, WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


a mother was kicked off a continental airlines flight because her kid kept talking
i originally read this story on aol, and it in itself is bad enough. i have a netscape email account have to go through aol to get to my email. sometimes i read a few of the articles of the homepage while i'm there. sometimes, i make the mistake of reading people's comments about the articles. i avoid message boards because people do not know respect. but anyway....
the fact is, a flight attendant should not have the right to have a plane turn around to kick people off the plane that are not threat. these are paying customers. from the article, the woman's child wasn't even crying or screaming, but kept saying bye bye plane over and over. he was 19 months old.
but really, as annoying and wrong as i found this, it was the people's response on the message board. many people were basically saying how they were glad the flight attendant did that and that if a person can't make their child a zombie, they have no right to fly on the plane. i admit, a screaming kid is really difficult to deal with, or as in this case, a chatty kid. but these people truly thought people with kids should stay home. how dare someone inconvenience their all important and selfish lives. i wonder how they were as children. a person that is that selfish as an adult must have been a little shit as a kid. i bet no one told them to shut up. (or not enough)
i have no issue with people choosing not to have kids. we have too many people in the world as it stands. it can be expensive. but it's the mindset that some of these people have. it's like a former co-worker said once, though this was in reference to having a girlfriend, "i don't want one. i like to spend money on myself too much." it's the selfish, consumerists people that seem to live in bubbles, detached from the fact that they are part of a big world, with people that are not all like them. these types genuinely believe that the world should bow to them.
oh fucking bah. the point is that it really bothered me how many people were so rude about the whole issue. i don't know why, i've read a few of the message boards on aol before. these people are like kids on freaking playground. but the selfishness that most of our society has is disturbing. i live for myself. i will fight and die for myself. and i am the fucking sun, so rotate around me mother fuckers.
you know what i say? get over yourselves. you are as trivial as the rest of us on this giant organism called earth. just part of a big ole jelly fish. none of us really matter, including you.
and that's all.

Monday, July 9, 2007

coroporate viral infestation

so, in a period of 3 years, only a 50 cent raise
so, in a period of 3 years, cost of living has risen
-far more than that 50 cent per hour
so, on the final day,
they had the audacity to "give" him a cake
"thank you, we will miss you"
so when there was a freezer problem distracting everyone,
he took 3/4 of the cake leaving only the part with the balloons
turned a plate over on top and wrote thanks
it just as well have said "fuck you."

corporate greed
it's every where
tell them to fuck off.

Friday, July 6, 2007

this freaking page would not let me give my blog a title.

oh yeah, i should be in bed but you know me, the time i find to tend to my much neglected blog is late friday night, when i should be in bed instead. oh the denial.

you know, i used to not sleep but 4 or 5 hours a night on a good night, 6 being my max most of the time. occasionally, i would sleep 7 hours on a weekend night. no damned wonder i felt so tired and often irratable.

politics. yuk. wake the fuck up america! are you really hypnotized into thinking that it's all okay and that you like being fucked by that enormous proverbial pineapple? fuckers aren't even using any kind of lube any more.

i don't have much hope with the next presidential election either. the democratic party seems bent on either obama or hillary, and i'm sorry, i don't think this is the time to introduce a black man or a woman to this type election. and please, before you jump down my throat, or call me a bigot, hear why i say this. i am not prejudiced against any race, and i believe that a woman could do as well or better than any man, but we are talking about a nation of bigots, mainly closeted, but bigots none the less. and how many people would vote for even gw again (not that he can run, at least by current laws) before they would vote for a black man or a woman? this election is too important, to go the repubican way, unless you are talking ron paul. but, the problem is, even if i back him, the probablity of him actually geting the nomination is slim to none. same thing for an independent getting enough votes to win the election.. the puppets and the puppetmasters would see to that.
that's the sad thing. democracy? you got two choices, as the southpark song says, between a douche and a turd. we are supposed to be happy with that, but i am not. i know many people aren't.
i'm all about change in the system. i would do what i could to help anyone that could tear down the system, but i'm not really expecting it to happen in my lifetime. people are too lazy, too complacent, too unwilling to give up comfort for change, even if the change might save the nation.
i was actually going to go more into an environmental kind of rant, but i suppose i should save that one for later.